Shaman Healer Apprenticeship Training
Year Two & Three
How to become a Shaman Apprentice

The spiritual practice of Shamanism can be traced back to the very origins of the human race, as seen in the early European cave paintings that stretch back over 25,000 years.
The Shaman would enter the other world and communicate with the spirit to assist in healing and guiding the dead. In pursuit of this knowledge, the Shaman would maintain a direct communication between humanity here on the earth and with the heavens above. The Shaman would ascend into the universe and descend into the underworld where one would encounter archetypal figures, both gods and ancestors, who initiate the individual into; a death and rebirth transformation, to bring wisdom and power, to aid and protect and to guide the tribe into healing from suffering.
These shamanic practices are as relevant today as they were to our ancestors in their ability to heal modern illness. Today the role of the Shaman takes many forms; the main role is as a healer but can also manifest as a priest, ceremonialist and artist to name a few. The path of the Shaman is an ancient calling to heal and work in service to the spirits and the universe. This calling to shamanism happens in many ways, it can be as dramatic as a life threatening illness or as simple as a dream.
The Shaman is a person who ‘becomes the bridge between the worlds’ having the ability to open to all of consciousness and travel through space and time to be able to heal and re-seed the human and universal dream.
The Year 2 and 3 Apprenticeship Training Includes:

- Two- Year Intensive Programme
- Four Retreats (Four days)
- One Five day Retreat (Pilgrimage)
- Seven online Group Mentoring meetings over the three years.
- One to one Mentoring and Healing
- Two non residential face to face bridging weekends (winter months)
- Sixteen Case Studies
- Certification as a Shamanic Healer

To become a fully qualified shamanic healer, and receive your certification, you will need to complete all three years of the training programme.
Forest Community
We undertake nearly all our training over the three years in the woodland, where we have a yurt that is our centre. This is where our forest community come to together to share, nurture and grow as conscious healers; where we dwell with the spirits of the woodland, and begin to re-enchant ourselves and our environment.
We learn to deal with the wonderful seasons of our weather; the challenges and the joys we can experience when we embrace the wildness that lives within us all. Over the years the woodland has become the heart of our practice, and the healing frequencies of the woodland have a slow but powerful effect of bringing people back home.

Ceremony and Ritual
Throughout the three-year training, you will be initated into ceremonies. Ceremony, dreaming and ritual are at the heart of everything we do here at The Shamans Art. Ceremony is the vehicle that we create to enter the other world. It is the holding, the place where we all come together, the place where we can experience the great mystery. Ceremony celebrates moments in life, rites of passage and the searching for visions. In our disenchanted world, we are dedicated to the re-enchantment of Ceremony.
Client Consultation
The first point of healing is the initial meeting with clients. Drawing deeply on our intuition, and the skills we are accumulating, we assess whether and to what extent we are able to help.

Energy Re-Balancing
All the things we experience in life are reflected through the chakra system and energy body. The rigours of our day-to-day life can manifest as illness, discomfort, and stress, leaving our system weak and unable to deal with life’s tensions and stresses. Preparing the dreaming body is a vital part of the process. Energy re-balancing is our starting point. This step aligns and strengthens the chakra system preparing you and your client for the deeper retrieval and healing work to follow.
Power Retrieval
Power relationships inform everything and, as healers, we can benefit from a deeper understanding of our own personal relationship with power, both internal and external. (There are two words in the Germany language that can explain power and they are Macht and Kraft – inner and outer power,) As healers we are constantly looking to build healthy relationships with power in this world and in the other worlds, with our allies and spirt helpers.

Spirit Extraction
This part of the healing involves removing negative or blocked energy from the subtle dreaming/energy body. These blocks occur for several reasons: one’s own negative thought forms, which sap our health and vitality; unresolved issues which can leave us feeling blocked and heavy. If we have a particularly deep wounding, this can attract negative entities, which also leave a weakness in our dreaming body.
Learning to understanding why these intrusions happen is important in learning how to deal with them. Our healing process is always more than simply learning technique – our work is soul work.

Soul retrieval
When people say, ‘I feel part of me is missing’, they are talking about soul loss. As we go through life, we sometimes experience traumatic incidents which are too much for the soul to deal with. As a way of protecting ourselves from the impact of these events, part of our soul gets fragmented and lost. Soul retrieval work is a powerful part of Shamanic healing in finding and bringing back those lost fragments. – in bringing us home.
Nature Connection
To complement the spiritual aspects of the training, we will expand our understanding of the natural environment through the application of a range of bush skills employed both for ceremonial and practical purposes. Time will be spent outdoors in the rich environment of the woodland. This crucial connection with nature has been referred to as viewing the “visible face of Spirit”. Through increasing our awareness of nature, we aim to develop new ways of seeing, stalking and walking by bringing awareness from the mind into the body, deepening our bodies’ intelligence, and connecting with our intuition.

Year 2
Year two starts through the winter/spring with three months of group mentoring which enables us to establish some core principles of practice and learning. There are two long weekends consisting of four days each off teaching and learning, which take place in the woodland over the summer months.
The cost for Year 2 of the Shamanic Healer Apprenticeship Training is £1210.00